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Featured Skins:

Select a Category:

    Wallpaper Skins: Anime
      Number of skins: 558, Most Recent Addition: Sunday, 12/06/2009 11:22am
      Wallpaper Skins featuring Japanese Manga, or other 'Anime' characters or in the 'Anime' style.

    Wallpaper Skins: Art and Entertainment

      Number of skins: 1766, Most Recent Addition: Monday, 05/05/2008 03:34pm
      Wallpaper Skins featuring artwork, both famous and local or images from the entertainment industry.

    Wallpaper Skins: Automotive

      Number of skins: 867, Most Recent Addition: Wednesday, 04/02/2008 11:08pm
      Wallpaper Skins featuring an automotive theme. Including manufacturer logos.

    Wallpaper Skins: Nature and Landmarks

      Number of skins: 843, Most Recent Addition: Monday, 05/11/2009 10:40am
      Wallpaper Skins featuring Nature, or landmarks. From city to country to sea.

    Wallpaper Skins: People

      Number of skins: 1387, Most Recent Addition: Sunday, 06/27/2010 04:36pm
      Wallpaper Skins featuring people, including celebrities, fit for viewing by any age.

    Wallpaper Skins: Pets and Animals

      Number of skins: 477, Most Recent Addition: Thursday, 01/19/2012 02:22am
      Wallpaper Skins featuring animals of all types, including all of our pets.

    Wallpaper Skins: Sports

      Number of skins: 1343, Most Recent Addition: Friday, 02/13/2009 03:33pm
      Wallpaper Skins featuring sports teams, or images.

    Wallpaper Skins: Religious

      Number of skins: 175, Most Recent Addition: Monday, 09/24/2007 06:24am
      Wallpaper Skins with a religious theme.

    Wallpaper Skins: Adult (18+)

      Number of skins: 2063, Most Recent Addition: Tuesday, 07/10/2012 08:16pm
      Wallpaper Skins adult in nature, or not suitable for viewers under 18.

    Wallpaper Skins: Misc

      Number of skins: 4271, Most Recent Addition: Wednesday, 03/21/2012 06:22am
      Wallpaper Skins that don't fit into a category above.