Featured Skins:
Newest Skins Click on a skin to download PDB file. To install a skin:
- Download the PDB file, and use the Palm Desktop install tool to load this file onto your i500.
- Make sure your phone is set to use the 'Tree' wallpaper by starting the phone app, choosing options, preferences, selecting 'display' then 'screen' from the menu, and then selecting Idle Screen: 'Wallpaper', Wallpaper: 'Tree' from the dropdown menus.
- Once loaded, use the SkinSelector application to choose your skin. You can download the SkinSelector application in the 'applications' section of this website.
 | bitch3
Author:Unknown Category: Misc Posted: Wednesday, 03/21/2012 06:22am, Downloaded 1052 times. |
 | wmoseley
Author:Unknown Category: People Posted: Sunday, 06/27/2010 04:36pm, Downloaded 1154 times. |
 | Just_Thomas
Author:Unknown Category: People Posted: Monday, 02/08/2010 01:41am, Downloaded 1173 times. |
 | william
Author:Unknown Category: People Posted: Sunday, 01/24/2010 03:17am, Downloaded 1137 times. |
 | nice_hair
Author:Unknown Category: People Posted: Sunday, 01/24/2010 03:13am, Downloaded 1176 times. |
 | Thomas_Alex
Author:Unknown Category: People Posted: Sunday, 01/24/2010 03:10am, Downloaded 1138 times. |
 | Thomas_E
Author:Unknown Category: People Posted: Sunday, 01/24/2010 03:08am, Downloaded 1151 times. |
 | Thomas_A
Author:Unknown Category: People Posted: Sunday, 01/24/2010 03:04am, Downloaded 1173 times. |
 | will_2005
Author:Unknown Category: People Posted: Friday, 01/22/2010 02:40am, Downloaded 1207 times. |
 | aj aj Author:Withheld Category: Misc Posted: Monday, 10/12/2009 02:16am, Downloaded 1171 times. |
 | MYPicture73 For My I500 Author:Muhammad Sajid Category: People Posted: Thursday, 06/18/2009 12:39pm, Downloaded 1201 times. |
 | MYPicture71 For My I500 Author:Muhammad Sajid Category: People Posted: Thursday, 06/18/2009 12:39pm, Downloaded 1218 times. |
 | MYPicture70 For My I500 Author:Muhammad Sajid Category: People Posted: Thursday, 06/18/2009 12:37pm, Downloaded 1196 times. |
 | MYPicture68 For My I500 Author:Muhammad Sajid Category: People Posted: Thursday, 06/18/2009 12:35pm, Downloaded 1196 times. |
 | MYPicture66 For My I500 Author:Muhammad Sajid Category: People Posted: Thursday, 06/18/2009 12:35pm, Downloaded 1160 times. |
Do you want more? Click here to view the next 15 skins!