Featured Skins:
Most Download Skins Click on a skin to download PDB file. To install a skin:
- Download the PDB file, and use the Palm Desktop install tool to load this file onto your i500.
- Make sure your phone is set to use the 'Tree' wallpaper by starting the phone app, choosing options, preferences, selecting 'display' then 'screen' from the menu, and then selecting Idle Screen: 'Wallpaper', Wallpaper: 'Tree' from the dropdown menus.
- Once loaded, use the SkinSelector application to choose your skin. You can download the SkinSelector application in the 'applications' section of this website.
 | blissxp windows bliss for xp Author:shk718 Category: Misc Posted: Friday, 08/01/2003 11:30am, Downloaded 3649 times. |
 | 1VirginIslands A view from The Virgin Islands. Author:Snipemaster Category: Nature and Landmarks Posted: Thursday, 09/11/2003 11:31pm, Downloaded 3643 times. |
 | 0eye eye from modeling photoshoot www.eyekon.com Author:bob cooley / eyekon.com Category: Misc Posted: Wednesday, 01/07/2004 05:16am, Downloaded 3497 times. |
 | matrixcode
Author:Bas Category: Art and Entertainment Posted: Friday, 08/01/2003 03:40pm, Downloaded 3328 times. |
 | Something_Blue
Author:SavageKabbage Category: Misc Posted: Friday, 10/03/2003 02:36pm, Downloaded 3053 times. |
 | Yin__Yang_Drago
Author:Newbie Category: Art and Entertainment Posted: Wednesday, 06/16/2004 02:26am, Downloaded 2927 times. |
 | WTC_Lights
Author:Mike Lee Category: Nature and Landmarks Posted: Monday, 11/22/2004 11:56pm, Downloaded 2389 times. |
 | Yoozer_ Yoozer from Yoozed.Com Author:Kidclubalot Category: Art and Entertainment Posted: Monday, 10/20/2003 01:06am, Downloaded 2340 times. |
 | MCEscher MCEscher Author:RS Category: Art and Entertainment Posted: Friday, 08/01/2003 01:38pm, Downloaded 2329 times. |
 | Xbox_Square Use blank for custom name Author:Tony Category: Art and Entertainment Posted: Monday, 08/25/2003 04:52am, Downloaded 2276 times. |
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